PyTorch 튜토리얼에 오신 것을 환영합니다 ======================================== PyTorch 학습을 시작하시려면 초급(Beginner) 튜토리얼로 시작하세요. 일반적으로 :doc:`/beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz` 부터 시작하시면 PyTorch의 개요를 빠르게 학습할 수 있습니다. 예제를 보고 학습하는걸 좋아하신다면 :doc:`/beginner/pytorch_with_examples` 을 추천합니다. 튜토리얼을 IPython / Jupyter를 이용하여 대화식으로(interactively) 진행하길 원한다면, 각각의 튜토리얼의 Jupyter 노트북과 Python 소스코드를 다운로드받으실 수 있습니다. 또한, 이미지 분류, 비지도 학습(unsupervised learning), 강화학습(reinforcement learning), 기계 번역과 같은 다양한 고품질의 예제들을 에서 제공하고 있습니다. PyTorch의 API와 계층(Layer)에 대한 참고 문서는 이나 인라인(inline) 도움말을 참고해주세요. 만약 튜토리얼을 개선하고 싶으시다면, GitHub 이슈를 통해 의견을 주시기 바랍니다: (역자 주: 한국어 번역에 대한 오타나 오역을 발견하시면 `번역 저장소 `__ 에 `이슈 `__ 또는 `PR `__ 을 남겨주세요.) Beginner Tutorials ------------------ .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/pytorch-logo-flat.png :tooltip: Understand PyTorch’s Tensor library and neural networks at a high level. :description: :doc:`/beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Understand similarities and differences between torch and pytorch. :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/torch-logo.png :description: :doc:`/beginner/former_torchies_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: This tutorial introduces the fundamental concepts of PyTorch through self-contained examples. :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/examples.png :description: :doc:`/beginner/pytorch_with_examples` .. galleryitem:: beginner/ .. galleryitem:: beginner/ .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: I am writing this tutorial to focus specifically on NLP for people who have never written code in any deep learning framework :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/babel.jpg :description: :doc:`/beginner/deep_learning_nlp_tutorial` .. raw:: html
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :includehidden: :caption: Beginner Tutorials beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz beginner/former_torchies_tutorial beginner/pytorch_with_examples beginner/transfer_learning_tutorial beginner/data_loading_tutorial beginner/deep_learning_nlp_tutorial Intermediate Tutorials ---------------------- .. galleryitem:: intermediate/ .. galleryitem:: intermediate/ :figure: _static/img/char_rnn_generation.png .. galleryitem:: intermediate/ :figure: _static/img/seq2seq_flat.png .. galleryitem:: intermediate/ :figure: _static/img/cartpole.gif .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Writing Distributed Applications with PyTorch. :description: :doc:`/intermediate/dist_tuto` :figure: _static/img/distributed/DistPyTorch.jpg .. galleryitem:: intermediate/ .. raw:: html
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Intermediate Tutorials intermediate/char_rnn_classification_tutorial intermediate/char_rnn_generation_tutorial intermediate/seq2seq_translation_tutorial intermediate/reinforcement_q_learning intermediate/dist_tuto intermediate/spatial_transformer_tutorial Advanced Tutorials ------------------ .. galleryitem:: advanced/ :intro: This tutorial explains how to implement the Neural-Style algorithm developed by Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker and Matthias Bethge. .. galleryitem:: advanced/ .. galleryitem:: advanced/ .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Implement custom extensions in C. :description: :doc:`/advanced/c_extension` .. raw:: html
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Advanced Tutorials advanced/neural_style_tutorial advanced/numpy_extensions_tutorial advanced/super_resolution_with_caffe2 advanced/c_extension